Day 14


I just wanted to see

if I had any messages

I miss my online friends

but felt the familiar glazing


from spending seconds

scrolling down my profile pictures

so there was no temptation to linger

any longer

letting minutes and hours of my creativity

reduce                        down to sizzling nada

Day 13


a world of company

just a few taps away

behind the black mirror

that shows me my true

biological facial ugliness

almost forgotten when I

beautify all with emojis

a Disney Land of soothing

scrolling licking likes

salivating stories suck me

shares swiping me into

any world of my choosing

Day 11

the stars are waiting for

me to wonder at them


to trust the universe will

cradle me in my final chance


before Brexit to escape

this grey Britain


this catch 22 without

variation or end


until my much deserved

chance of a fresh start


away from my abusers

will die

Day 10


where I fit into this world

is becoming clearer

without the pull of social media

because signs are sharper

poets speak louder and

I’m no longer trapped

in that bathroom of yesterday

being beaten by my family

I said no more to years ago


today I can walk away


Day 9

migraine clouding


wind swirling


letterbox slamming


another day


of waiting


to start


my life


a bright


new book


my heart’s


already read


and sees


me there


in countryside


instead of




grey Hainault


where I’m


adding thoughts


shifting paper


avoiding stabbings


another day


of waiting


to start


my life



Day 8

one layer of reality

or unreality less to

confuse my confusion

zeroing in on

complete isolation

save for a beautiful

voluptuous and warm

woman who understands

to cuddle into for eternal

night without our peace

and contentment being

broken open by

the axe of worldly

happenings that will

never stop

Day 7

I’m afraid of not having

a YouTube yoga teacher

to make decisions

about poses I need

but I can make up

mantras and leave

this chair the shape of

my ass and find a

shop where all life is

while my answer

amid scribbling on

tracing paper will

mysteriously appear

Day 6

my hands guided to

pick up Rumi more

“having his own

experience of the

unseen” feeling the

tight architecture of

my hips widening

to tears filling the

pages in-between

with a patch of mint

velvet grass enclosed

in a semicircle of

granite mountains

my life vision but

I’m not there

Day 5

to reject social media completely is impossible

when I need YouTube for work and yoga I long to

show YouTubers my appreciation without liking

and getting locked into checking for notifications

because checking is what my OCD’s about

which I struggle to stop and to trust

in my inner compass